Tuesday 21 November 2017

Lead acid battery

Battery :

Battery is an electrochemical  device,which delivers electric energy by chemical reaction.An emf is produced by chemical means,whenever two dissimilar solid conductors known as electrodes are placed in conducting liquid known as electrolyte current will flow through the external circuit connected across the two electrodes.
classification of cells :
The cells are classified into two types 
1.primary cell
2.secondary cell
1.primary cell :
A cell which cannot be recharged is called Primary cell.The Primary cells convert chemical energy into electrical energy.
Example : Dry cell,Volatile cell,Daniel cell.
In a primary cell ,the chemical action is irreversible.The electrodes and electrolytes undergo changes during discharge which cannot be reversed.
2.Secondary cell :
The cell which can be recharged and brought back to the original state is called a Secondary cell.
Example : Lead acid cell,Alkaline cells.
The secondary cell converts the electrical energy into chemical energy and it is stored into the cells during charges.When the cells discharges the stored chemical energy is converted in to electrical energy.These are known as storage cells.
What is Battery ?
When number of cells are grouped together it is called Battery.
Types of Battery :
1.primary cell :
a) Dry cell b) Volatile cell c) Daniel cell d) Weston cell
2.secondary cell 
a) Lead acid battery 
b) Nickel-cadmium battery 
c) Nickel-iron battery
d) nickel-zinc battery

Care and Maintenance of Lead Acid Battery :

  • Install the Battery firmly.
  • Tighten all the connection periodically.
  • Keep the battery dry and clean to avoid discharging through moisture.
  • Keep the battery surface free of any electrolyte.
  • When cleaning or washing high voltage batteries,connection may be opened at several points to avoid shock.
  •  Apply petroleum jelly to terminals to prevent corrosion.
  • The level of electrolyte must be kept above the top of the plates.
  • The level of the electrolyte should be checked at regular intervals.
  • The cell  should be recharged as soon as possible after discharge.
  • Do not leave the battery in a discharged condition for a long period.
  • Do not charge the battery at high rate.
  • If battery being used as a stand by source to give emergence lighting etc.It should be given trickle charge.
  • The temperature of the cell should not exceed above 40 degree.
  • The battery terminals should not be short circuited.
  • Carefully follow the instructions of the manufactures.
  • During charging the positive terminals of the battery is to be connected to the positive terminal of the supply and negative to the negative terminals of the supply. 

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