Sunday 5 November 2017



Electric heating is extensively used for both domestic and industrial applications.Domestic application are room heaters,hot plates for cooking,electric kettles,electric ovens for bakeries,electric toasters etc...
Then industrial applications of electric heating melting of metals,heat treatment metals like soldering,moulding of glass,baking of insulators,enameling copper wires.
This is the simple and basic circuit diagram for battery operated
heaters.This circuit contains five and more resistance,inductance,capacitance,LED,transistors etc..A simple circuit operated from 12v battery supply and two Q1 and Q2 transistor are build like astable multivibrator. The on time transistor Q1 can be varied by using R2.The output pulses of Q2 is used to used to drive the darlington power transistor.The transistor Q3 drives the heating element L1 to L3. The net heat produced can be varied by selecting the desired combination heating of elements at the output circuit using switches S1 and S2.The net heat can also varied by varying the duty cycle of the triggering pulse using R2.
advantages of electric heating:
1.electric heating has no flue gases so non polluted.
2.It is easy to control and regulate temperature of an electric furnace with help of manual devices.
3.electric heating is economic because electric furnaces are cheaper in their initial cost as well as maintenance cost.
4.electric heating is quite safe because it responds quickly to the control signals.
5.electric heating produces no irritating noises and also radiation losses are low it.
6.electric heating equipment generally will not required much attention and supervision and their maintenance cost is almost negligible.
7.electric heating has higher efficiency as compared to other types of heating.

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